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Chlamydia Testing in Young Women: Room for Improvement

Chlamydia, caused by infection with Chlamydia trachomatis, is the most common notifiable disease in the United States. It is among the most prevalent of all STDs, and since 1994, has comprised the largest proportion of all STDs reported to CDC Studies also demonstrate the high prevalence of chlamydial infections in the general U.S. population, particularly among young women. As chlamydia is common and infections are usually asymptomatic, health care providers should routinely screen sexually active young women aged <25 years for chlamydial infection, provide prompt treatment for infected persons, and ensure that infected patients' sex partners receive timely treatment to prevent reinfection.

 The resources below are provided to support our network practitioners with up to date treatment recommendations:


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Last updated on 1/11/2018 10:30:22 AM


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