New centralized Provider Resource Center for all Highmark regions launching October 1.
Learn more about the new site in our latest Provider News or take a sneak peek at



Wow — what an unthinkable few months it’s been. 

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced us all to halt business as usual and reconsider our daily routines. For many, it has been challenging, difficult, and overwhelming, but I hope you’ve been able to take advantage of Highmark’s tools and resources for support throughout this pandemic.

Moving forward, we’ll continue to support you as we all transition to our new normal. 

State and city government officials are starting to relax shelter-in-place orders, and as you get ready to welcome back staff and patients, Highmark wants to make sure you’re prepared. We have created helpful guides and signage to help make reopening your doors a little easier. 

If you have questions about the contents of the kit, please reach out to your Highmark Provider Account Liaison or the Provider Resource Center at 866-731-8080.

As we’ve been saying all along: 

Be safe. Be calm. Highmark can help.


Jason T. Renne

Senior Vice President, Provider Partnerships & Contracting


Reopening Office Guide – a resource full of safety tips and important practice considerations. 


Office Signage – 8” x 11 1/2“ printable signs to remind staff and visitors of important safety precautions to follow. These guidelines are new for everyone and will help keep your practice safe.

Break Protocol


Entry sign


Mask Protocol

Meeting Protocol

Social Distance

Last updated on 7/8/2020 2:40:24 PM


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